Solo Travel Safety: Tips for Accommodation

In this article, I’ll share practical tips, personal anecdotes, and essential insights to help you make informed decisions and ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. So, let’s dive in and discover the key considerations for solo travelers when booking accommodation!

Research the Neighborhood:

When booking accommodation as a solo traveler, it’s crucial to research the neighborhood where you’ll be staying. Look for areas known for their safety, with a low crime rate and positive reviews from fellow travelers. Consider proximity to public transportation, well-lit streets, and the availability of amenities. By choosing a secure and convenient location, you’ll feel more at ease during your solo adventures.

Read Reviews and Ratings:

One of the best ways to gauge the safety and quality of accommodation is by reading reviews and ratings from previous guests. Pay attention to comments specifically mentioning safety, cleanliness, and the behavior of staff or hosts. Look for consistent positive feedback and avoid properties with recurring safety concerns. It’s worth investing time in reading reviews to ensure a worry-free stay.

Consider Accommodation Types:

Different types of accommodation offer varying levels of safety and security. Hotels and guesthouses with 24/7 reception can provide a sense of reassurance, as there is always someone available to assist you. If you prefer a more social experience, consider reputable hostels that prioritize security measures such as lockers, CCTV cameras, and restricted access to dormitories. Alternatively, vacation rentals in safe neighborhoods can also be a great option, allowing you to have a private space while enjoying the comforts of home.

Check for Safety Features:

Prioritize accommodation that has safety features in place. Look for properties with secure locks, well-lit common areas and hallways, fire extinguishers, and smoke detectors. Additionally, inquire about the availability of in-room safes or lockers to store your valuable belongings. Taking these precautions will provide peace of mind throughout your solo journey.

Trust Your Instincts:

As a solo traveler, it’s essential to trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right about a particular accommodation option, listen to that inner voice. Your intuition is a powerful tool for ensuring your safety. It’s better to choose an alternative that gives you a positive and comfortable vibe, even if it means adjusting your budget or location preferences.

Connect with Other Travelers:

One of the benefits of solo travel is the opportunity to connect with fellow adventurers. Before booking accommodation, consider reaching out to online travel communities or social media groups. Seek recommendations and advice from experienced solo travelers who have visited your destination. They can provide valuable insights into safe areas to stay and recommend trusted accommodation options.

Share Your Itinerary:

Let someone back home or a trusted friend know your itinerary and the details of your accommodation. Share your travel plans, including check-in and check-out dates, contact information of the accommodation, and any alternative contact information you may have. This way, someone is aware of your whereabouts, providing an extra layer of safety and peace of mind.


Solo travel can be an empowering and life-changing experience. By considering important safety factors such as researching the neighborhood, reading reviews, choosing secure accommodation types, checking for safety features, trusting your instincts, connecting with other travelers, and sharing your itinerary, you can make informed choices that prioritize your well-being. Remember, safety should always come first, allowing you to embrace the world with confidence and embark on unforgettable solo adventures. Safe travels, my fellow wanderers!

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